Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Beijing D1 - CCTV Headquarters, and some setbacks

China Central Television Headquarters, 中央电视台新址 (under construction)

With a handicap of my full set of maps, we actually went to the site of the CCTV Headquarters for its unique structural elements. But what a big disappointment it turned out when we found the entire construction site hoarded up high, including the completed main CCTV tower :(

Made a big detour where we finally managed to catch glimpses of the building from the guarded security entrance; we and other tourists alike, befriending a nice Germany architect couple and their engineer friend ;)

Then without proper maps, we got ourselves lost while getting directions to the nearby The Place, 世贸天阶 to view the night skyscreen display. That never materialises, of course. My poor planning gotten us both tired out, fruitless. We'll be back!

Thank God, dinner was a nice fried rice takeaway we enjoyed in our hotel comfort :)

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