Yes, this is the playground we grew up playing with. What nostalgia!

Newly designed playgrounds are like new toys, clean, bright and interesting. But you can never forget your old ragged teddy bear.
God hath not promised skies always blue, flower-strewn pathways all our lives through.
But God hath promised strength for the day, rest for the labor, light for the way...
Hi there! I used to play at that 'ol playground! Nice to see an image of it preserved on the 'net. Thanks for the memories!
You're welcome. I wish the town council would bother to clean the place up and give it a new coat of paint it deserved...
Hi may i know where is this place? Must go and touch it a bit, havent seen this for almost 25+ years!!!
Dover Rd, Blk 35!
I first saw this at night and was so thrilled i can't sleep until i snap a pic of it, 2 days later!
So glad i'm not the only one getting emotional over this :)
omg!! i've been looking ups & downs, highs & lows for this kind of playground! i used to play with my cousins after dinner time when we were young. please can someone tell me if this is still available? i hope it is, don't demolish it. :-( plssss...
Hey there Kel, yes it is! It's still sitting there, but I don't know about it being demolished soon though...
hey there! u mean it's going to be demolished soon? *gasp* oh noooo..!
i mean i hope govt will preserve this one, really. it's things like these that actually bring back fond memories of our childhood, those good old days when we used to sit on the swing and swing ourselves "crazy" (sometimes at a 90 degrees) hahaa..
so i really really really hope this can stay, for good. =)
thank u for sharing yr pic, it really makes me very excited seeing this. :-)
I've just posted this in STOMP,
Go on-line to support the preservation of the playground :)
Heya Kel, nono I don't mean I KNOW it's gonna be demolished! Just that I don't know that it's NOT gonna be... sorry about that! And I'mm all over Beary's STOMP page now!
hello all, look what i've found in stomp! :)
sadly, this is marked for demolition, why is this happening.. sigh
Oh crap... anyone we can mass-email to to ask to help preserve the place??
i left messages on both the stomp articles to say we should keep the playgrounds.. not sure if the town councils or anyone in hdb read read stomp..
hey, the linking URL i pasted earlier seems to be "cut" off & it's not clickable.. any problem going to the stomp page?
To all concerned, pls see my updates on the news of the pending demolition work, here =>
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