This unknown little fast food stall (12 Upper Cross Street) first caught my attention through an email circulation from a colleague. The stall owner is a lawyer turn entrepreneur, for more
read.Nice airy air-conditioned environment, and no, you wouldn't smell like a walking fried chicken after a meal here :) Alas, we were stupefied by the crowd in this tiny shop as we entered!
Price list at the Ordering Counter.Relatively smaller chicken pieces than KFCs greeted us after a 25 mins wait. We were skeptical by the look of it until we devoured the pieces; it was delicious. Truly a case of quality against quantity.
Now, we are thinking where does the big sized frozen chicken from KFCs come from??

Dallas Meal ($5.90)
At 40 cents more than the 2 Pcs meal, you got 2 extra little pieces of spicy tasting drumlets.

2 Pcs Chicken Meal ($5.50)
It seems the standard chicken pieces for a meal are 1 drumstick and 1 rib. Fair enough, no one can order,"I want all ribs!"
The lightly fried French Fries surprise us with its great satisfying taste. You may say it's better than McDonald's. I'm pleasantly please. Have it without salt, you wouldn't need them :)
Chilled can drinks of your choice with the meal purchases, ranging from Coke Zero, A&W Root Beer to Ice Lemon Tea. Take your pick at no extra cost.
It's definitely hard to believe the good things others have blog about this place (what can be so great about fried chicken?); and that's what brought me here today, to find it out myself.
Would be back; after these crowds and commotion disperses... if they do.