God hath not promised skies always blue, flower-strewn pathways all our lives through.
But God hath promised strength for the day, rest for the labor, light for the way...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Vegetarian Noodle Soup

Mamma Mia! (2008)

Since i last visited the Old Cathay Building watching the "Pretty Woman" by Julia Roberts here, it has really been ages.
And i really liked it here.
At Cathay Building, it gave you the feeling of real movie-going where we could be reminiscent of how we used to go to a movie house instead of those cinema chains that mushrooms in almost every Shopping Mall now.
Mamma Mia! opens with a simple and transparent plot, yet an ebullient, fast-paced musical packed with ABBA’s feel-good anthems that capture the vibe of the whole movie. Breath-taking scenery from romantic Greece sets the scene.
As ardent fans of ABBA, the Swedish ’70s supergroup, this movie offers us gratifying moments with its joyous singing, dancing and comedic acts. Never a dull instantaneous with their chorus of ABBA Hits.
Inspired by the passion and love of life of the movie, it energized and cheers you up instantly. And it certainly does release our inner “Dancing Queen” as we tap our feets to the rhyme of the melodies.
Carl's Jr
As this was our 1st visit of Jr, we approached the service counter and ordered their recommended Portobello Mushroom Burger Combo ($12.80) that comes with Fries and free-flow drink.

Its distinct merit lies in its spread of Portobello Mushroom.

Battered lightly with real Onion slices within, it was possibly the best of all fast food joints. And i could still smell my breath of Onions even after my many tries of washing it down with our iced Lemon Tea.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Easy Pasta
Washing, cleaning, gardening, reading, tele-viewing and cooking. A repeat telecasts program of the benefits of eating Garlic showed up as i was channel-surfing.
Highlighting its beneficial effect of relieving the body from fatigue, treatment of disease and maintenance of health. Dates back to ancient civilization of Egypt, Garlic was a "performance enhancing" agent feed to slaves for the building of the pyramids.

1. Frying a Shallot and the bowl of Garlic till it slightly browned.
2. Add the minced Basil leaves to the cooked garlic and cook slightly.
3. Toss the cooked Spaghetti noodles with the aromatic mix.
The whole kitchen was smoldered with the full aroma of the Garlic and Basil leave. Mum enjoyed the dish and claim it's my best spaghetti cooking so far. Haha...
Try to prepare this simple and healthy dish for your busy loved ones, who may need this extra energy boosting food.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Pepper Lunch Express
Howl of the F1 engines fills the evening air with much excitement and anticipation.

My first taste of Pepper Lunch, in fact a Pepper dinner :) at Funan Digitalife IT Mall, level 5 food court where an express version of it was served, rather than in any of its restaurants.
On an iron plate, sizzling hot as the F1 racing, we mixed everything up and cooked with the pepper sauce provided - Ric was the cook.
Yum. And it was good, non as oily as fried rice but as fragrant and enjoyable with tasty and crunchy burned rice "Guo Ba"at the bottom of the iron plate.
We caught no sight of any F1 cars tonight but the holler of the F1 engines was not one to be forgotten so soon.
No amount of my screaming was audible as they came flooded by the waves of enraging car engines on the other side of the well barricaded tracks.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Having lost all family members in the bombing of the Japanese Occupation, she had embraced Grandma who has been kind to her, like sisters; taking our families as her own. She had then have a big family of her own with successful children and offspring of delightful grandchildren.

See you in heaven, Aunt Gan.
And may you now rest in peace.
Thank you for remembering us. We too remember you and loved you, but never had the chance to let you know.
Never forgetting your continual kindness to our families, especially to our sickly grandma. Your doting us with sweets and toys in our younger days was my fondest memory of you. A thank you was never enough for your kindest thoughts and loving heart.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Singapore F1 Grand Prix
And we were indeed honored to be hosting the first night race of the Formula 1 history. This enchanting photo of the lighted Marina Bay Circuit Park bowl me over.At Paragon Front Foyer today, i couldn't help fussing over this F1 racing car on display. Is it for real? Or just a display replica? We really couldn't tell, it was something totally alien to us.
It was not only when i saw this photo of McLaren Mercedes Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton of Great Britain on the exact car, that i was convinced it was the real thing! Whew...w
Waraku at The Heeren
Ric was too busy to join us, so only mom was with me.

My lavish treat of Unagi Don for myself; for the first time i'm ordering a full piece of the Eel serving that left me utterly satisfied with the fishy taste and gooey texture. Meow... ...
Mom asked if i'm a cat reincarnated. Hahaha... maybe.
Also helping to finish up the Waraku Maki ($8.80++) and Tempura with Udon set ($14++) ordered for mom. This meal filled us to the brim and we could hardly eat anything for the rest of the day.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Timo - little Italian taste
I was anxious, Yes. Before Jun closes his stall on the 28th, i've got to have my fill of his cooking. Sadly to say, this is but my 2nd visit so far.

As according to Jun, ingredients were running out fast from his stall as he gets an intense repeat visits from his regulars.
Pizza dough ran out today. Italian sausages replaces Ham in my Cabonara, but i had no complaints - it was a delightful meal that i wouldn't regret saving all my carbohydrate for :)

My first try of Green Lasagna was impressive! A completely healthy dish of Spinach and Carrot vegetables layered in thin Pasta sheets dripped with appetite whetting tomato sauces.
For all the Popeyes out there!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Miss Clarity at Purvis

Perhaps the most pathetic sized piece of chicken leg i've ever been served in Clarity Cafe? The mushroom and potato fricassee was on the other hand plentiful, in an effort to make up for the short-charged.
Dues to its smaller size, the edges of the chicken drumstick was charry dry by the roasting process. This is so disappointing. The ones here can never compare with that of their Katong's outlet.

No complaints with the stew, the slowly simmered boneless beef was all soft and juicy. Serving portion was generous too, and we had our choice of either rice, bread or pasta to go with the stew.
It was understood that all Miss Clarity branches are under different managements. The one here at Purvis was undoubtedly a let down.
From its sulking supervisors to un-chilled green salad; we would not subject ourselves through such ordeal again.
How i appreciate the warm service at their Katong branch instead.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Childhood Food Stuff - Dou Kee

I guess stall no. 01-15 at Amoy Street Food Centre is the only stall selling this food stuff now. We called it "Dou Kee" in Hokkien. It is actually seasoned Fish meat minced into paste with flour, wrapped in Bean Curd skin and deep fried. It was a memorable childhood snack we used to get for 20 cents/per piece from my primary school tuckshop; i had it almost everyday :)
A savory snack that goes well with either rice, porridge or noodle soup. We used to have it together with Yong Tou Foo noodles from the same stall, but managed by their old mother.
So if you are also missing this, you could get your constant supply from Amoy now. $6 for a 10 pieces take-away.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We see them everywhere; even as a child we knew them. In insignificant places, by the roadsides, pedestrian bridges, flyovers, beside lamp posts and bus stops, they flowered and withered unnoticed.
Upon closer look, these little flowers too reveal much beauty.

It's an all year blooming plant, especially thriving in these weeks of blowing hot and cold (rain) climate.
This was the beautiful sight i chanced upon my way home today - a bed of violet blossom in the evening sun.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Tian Tian Hainanese Chicken Rice

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Little Bali ~ Villa Frangipani
We have been visiting Little Bali when it was just a basic and modest Bali island-styled bar that gradually grew to today's vast expansion of luscious garden dining restaurant. Its unique ambience makes you forget instantly, that you are still in urban Singapore. Greenery in abundance with chic Bali arts decor, complete with the playing of traditional Balinese music in the background.
And this had always been the concept they had worked on since day 1 in business.
The dimly lighted garden dining area is ideal for business clients and courting couples. Great efforts had gone into setting up this perfectly relaxed and romantic, Dine & Wine environment.
As we settled down for wine'ing, we could not help being tantalised by the whiff of nice smelling aroma of food. It's making us hungry and we simply have to change our drinking option to one of dining also.

This delicious tasting platter consists of Thai Pineapple Rice, Pomelo Raisin Salad, Crayfish, Pandan Chicken, Soft Shell Crab, Stuffed Chicken Wings and lightly grilled Squids.
Everything was served warm and tasted wonderful, especially the Seafood items.

Of its wide selection of beers, wines, exotic cocktails and spirits, this is our usual fare of their smoothing house pour; one sip is enough to totally unlock my thoughts and relaxed me almost immediately :))
Customers had even been asked to shift tables to make way for the bigger group that comes in - this is a big taboo.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Crabbing at Ban Leong Wah Hoe
Yes, it seems that Chilli Crab had become a National dish of Singapore alongside with Hainanese Chicken Rice. It's the 2 dishes we would definitely show our overseas friends to.
Appro. 1kg of Sri Lankan Crab ($49.40+)
At Wah Hoe again, this feast served as a treat we shower on ourselves after being so very busy and stressed with the many work and home issues.
And after my crab drumstick tonight, i'm satisfied and need not crave for another one any sooner :)
But the chilli crab sauce certainly dehydrated us.
Wanton Mee of the North
We were really unfamiliar with the North; Ric read about this modest Wanton Noodles at Blk 326 at Woodlands St. 32, so we were here to try it.

Pricey? A little. But it really tasted delicious, well worth for a repeat visit.
Be there to catch them early. The stall closes early daily, almost right after lunch hours.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
NIE Canteen Food

The Minced Meat Noodle comes with big scoopful of minced meat that ensures you taste the meat on your every mouthful.
But do cross the road to Canteen A to get a better taste of Minced Meat Noodles; in term of noodle textures.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
NUS - The Deck

Been missing the Yong Tou Foo Laksa since my last visit here. So this is my 10-piece selections with noodles. The Laksa gravy still tastes as yummy.

With comparison comes competition, the Katsu Don here pales much to what we always have at NTU Canteen 14.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
NTU - Japanese Food
Planned to have the Western food but it's closed for dinner tonight. So we were at the Japanese stall again.
Unagi Don ($3.80)
Thick gooey piece of eel atop my bowlful of Japanese grains. I've always loved Unagi.Chicken Teriyaki Don ($3.20)
Generous serving of Chicken pieces in sweet Teriyaki sauce for Ric. But, we feel its Chicken Katsu still fares better.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Tea Break @ Cafe Cartel

Ric chooses this cake for me as he remembers i used to like Chocolate Fudge. But it seems that i'm more prone to Cheese cake nowadays - i'm that fickle-minded :)
But the sweet Chocolate Fudge cake here is indeed chewy as promised, its middle layer of brownie-like texture provides that nice chewy bite.
Longest Queue at Amoy Street

Our queue position at 11am was still tolerable; still it was a long 20mins wait.
Do be forewarn that it was their popular braised pork rib noodle that's got sold out first, always.
The popularities of the stall lies in its ever generous food serving; the server simply top up your plate till it's almost running over. And it is quality food stuff we are talking about here.

Well braised chunky pieces of Pork Ribs, braised Taupok, plenty of vegetables, 7 fried wanton and another 6 wantons in soup.
Wanton Noodles ($3)
Aromatic roasted Char Siew, roasted pork with equally generous serving of vegetables and wantons.
I would definitely be hurrying back soon. Loved its pork ribs, char siew, fried wantons, noodles... everything.Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Han's Bak Kut Teh

Established since 1963, it's one of the commanding food stalls here in East Coast Lagoon Food Village.
You can still see a steady queue at 韩家肉骨茶 stall during this late lunch hour of 2pm!

The trotter exudes a lovely smoky sense and is well stewed to a delicious gooey tenderness in premium rich soy, garlic and spices.
With the juiciest stewed meat and softest skin, tendon, muscles and fat, this dish is certainly worth your occasional indulgence however health conscious you are.

You may request for a leaner portion but that defeat the purposes of eating trotters right? We are on a fatty quest :)
Oh, and for fats that simply melts in the mouth; i couldn't quit this. Couldn't resist mixing my rice with spoonfuls of the rich and oil-laden black soy gravy - helplessly sinful!