Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lontong & Sayur Lodeh

Another of Mum's successful replication of recipes from Mrs Lee's Cookbook. Mum says it's a pretty easy dish to prepare and the cookbook is so well-written that if you followed its instructions faithfully, you can't go wrong.

It even taught us on the preparation of the Rice Cake (Lontong) but we simplify our work by buying them from the Malay market stalls. Mum then only had to work on the Sayur Lodeh.

A savory and mildly spiced dish, so Sedap!!!

This dish is traditionally served in coffeeshops by Malays in Singapore and Malaysia. However, it had now more often become part of the Nasi Padang stalls in air-conditioned food courts.

Standard of the fare served at these food courts often varied and cannot be compare with the home-prepared version as many ingredients are left out of the commercially prepared dish where cooking methods are also compromised.

Lontong a dish by itself, where the Sayur Lodeh, a Coconut Vegetable Stew, are served with Ketupat or Lontong (rice cakes) is a traditional Hari Raya dish served for lunch on that day.

Selamat Hari Raya Puasa!
Happy & Yummy Holidays!

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