Sunday, July 21, 2013

Starbucks in the Fridge

Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso, 192ml ($2.60). Bottled Mocha Frappuccino Coffee, 281ml ($2.80) 

Sometimes the convenience of things got everybody in trouble - reach out into your fridge and you could savour cafe-like iced coffee as the weather warms. Just as Starbucks goes into bottling up their premium brews for our easy consumption; and their increased market shares, we took in the calories, willingly.

Starbuck's coffee can't taste no good. Both of us preferred the canned doubleshot espresso - thickly bitter with faint sweetness and nice tang of rich cream. The frappuccino is cloying, in comparison.

Any guy would welcome a heady doubleshot; but for that brief moment of decadent, let me have the velvety frappuccino, serves on the rocks!


Anonymous said...

Hey there, where did you buy the canned starbucks doubleshot espresso from? I can't seem to find it. Thanks!

Beary said...

You are right. The cans being sitting in my fridge for months and now i don't seem to be able to locate them in our local markets anymore!?