Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reign of Assassins, 劍雨 (2010)

"我愿化身石桥,受五百年风吹,五百年日晒,五百年雨打,但求此少女从桥上走过­... "

"I had fallen for a girl..."
"How much you like her?"
"I wish i become a stone bridge, enduring 500 years of ruthless wind, 500 years of burning sun, 500 years of freezing rain, for as long as the girl walks across this bridge..."

Movie Trailer

The above were the touching verses from John Woo's latest movie Reign of Assassins that were etched in my mind... long after i left the theater. But how surreal is this degree of love in our sophisticated society...?

I had gone for the show in my admiration for the female lead actress, Michelle Yeoh. And she lived up to our expectations. Yeah, i don't like just pretty faces... Michelle has a classy aura ;)

After John Woo's box-office record for Battle at Red Cliff, the Reign of Assassins showcase sleek sword playing and a beautiful love story, on top of skilled cinematic craftsmanship. It's a "feel good" plot great for lovers and family viewing; pity for a missing love theme song to the motion picture though, else it would have touches more hearts.

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