Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Red Love Seed, 相思豆

Red is the symbol of love. 
In the south, the Saga Seed Tree buds in Spring. 
The red seeds spill from the pods, scattering on the ground. 
Pick them up, as many as you can, 
as if gathering thoughts and memories of those you love. 

The Sage seed tree (Adenanthera Pavonina) had been so familiar in old Singapore; none of us bothered to closely examine it, nor collect the tough polished seeds. In old Singapore, couples in love picked up the scattered red seeds, bottled them in pretty glass container as their memoir of love.

Today is my first serious look at the 'love seed' with a young child beside, and she was fascinated!

Am going to start locating the few surviving Sage seed tree in Singapore; embarking on my first and only, love in a bottle.

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