Monday, December 5, 2011

Tomato Onion Salsa

Making this pretty salad is as easy as 1,2,3!

What's more, it has a perfect color hue for Christmas - all the reds and greens; might do this for our X'mas dinner.

1. Remove the ingredients chilled up in the refrigerator. Wash and dry.
2. Chop up Tomatoes, Onions, Green Chili and Coriander leaves (In any ratios that you like, giving heed that more Onions and Chili make the salad REALLY spicy. In such cases, just add in more Tomatoes).
2. If someone loves Cucumber, cut and add it in too (optional).
3. Mix well and serve immediately.

Superb healthy.
This is a moist but NO sauce salad!

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