And this year, it's great it's on a Friday! Straight holidaying though the weekends!
Let's see...
Before my morning office meeting, braved through the heavy morning traffic but found no McDonald's breakfast at Ghim Moh. Well, the market offers much more and this is what i have! A change from my usual fare of bread & oatmeal.
Set lunch at Miss Clarity Cafe Katong, main course complete with salad/or day soup, dessert and drink. Between us, we shared the appetizer and dessert of fruit cake and chocolate ice-cream scope.
The generous serving of salad and creamy soup of Spinach was delightful. And always enjoyed their nice coffee to round up the meal.
Chicken Cordon Bleu (9.80); Chick is disappointingly tough n dry :(( Stew Oxtail with Pasta (10.80); Yummy!
Thus we decide on a simple dinner of this spicily hot Wanton noodle (2) at Old Airport Rd; it's one of our favourite stores which offer fried pork lard with the noodles.
A rave find of this 3-in-1 Chinese New Year Pastry (1.20), deep fried piece of yam, Chinese new year cake 年糕 and sweet potato. Can see the pieces layered in 3?
吃爽爽 reads its signboard and it is indeed.
Holidays all about being a Foodie!!