Saturday, December 14, 2013

武藏, Menya Musashi

Takatora Tsukemen, 1x regular portion of 120g ($14.90++)

It's been a while since we last had some Japanese ramen. Today we were at the Menya Musashi after hearing so much about them - that if you like chewy noodles, go for the dry Tsukemen where you dip the ramen into the boiling hot soup that's served separately.

We did just that and really enjoyed some well-textured ramen. The independent serving also allows us to savour the smokiness of their roasted pork meat while the golden fried bean curb skin stays crispy. We left Menya Musashi with satisfied palates.

Oh, and which soup bases to order with your ramen? I suggest you try all the 3 that are on the menu ")

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