Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cereal Prawns with Eggs, 麦片虾炒蛋

My family love prawns and these were for my sister-in-law's craving albeit the smaller size prawns; bigness of the prawns would have been much enjoyable, really.

I done a slight addition to the previous recipe today. After Step 2 of deep-frying the prawns (refer earlier recipe here), i made scrambled eggs out of 5 beaten eggs with the red-orangey tainted oil that remains after the deep-frying. The eggs tasted superb.

It was set aside and added back to the wok together with the prawns in final Step 5 for a quick toss just before serving! That's it.

For the health conscious individual who abstain prawns, they could now taste this dish with just eggs, cereal and curry leaves. I'm not health conscious, i'm just lazy to de-shell the shrimps.

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