Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Tree or Shrub...

I've always love trees, more than flowers. Trees are great, magnificent; tall, towering, providing shades and oxygen generously. I'm kept calm and cool when surrounded by greenery...

Love it when my window has now been encroaches by the Orange Jasmine and Syzygium Campanulatum (known also as Eugenia oleina and Kelat paya). For these past 10 over years, the 3 metres tall Syzygium Campanulatum tree has been sheltering my bedroom's wall from the scorching evening sun, faithfully.

I fall in love with the tree, or shrub particularly for its new leaves of Autumn colors; in orangey red.

And when the tree flowered, it attract birds - 3 hummingbirds chirping happily, hopping about the branches and tugging at the blooms! I really don mind the damage ;)

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