Tuesday, March 27, 2012

from Tab to iPad

My first iPad, with Wi-Fi ($528)

In my brief trial on Ric's iPad 2, i got totally smitten by its awesome screen display and seamless interfacing. The screen was less glaring than my "super amoled"!? I was reading ever so comfortably; and never have i gotten attached to a glowing screen!

Within days, my iPad arrived!

Having overcome the initial glitches, or rather, not being able to perform some of the operations i enjoyed effortlessly on Android; a little more time is now spend on - transferring music, movies and files via iTunes. Limitations on Emailing and online video viewing using Adobe flash as well.

Holding up the 600g iPad is also an onerous pain; best to be supported on the lap, desk stand or on the tummy when you lie down viewing. The weighty toy gadget is never for bustle transiting - i was relieved as i clutches the weightless Note.

But, i now believe addiction to iPad. 
Its perfect graphics display is a piece of Art! In fact, the neck is still lightly aching from the long night hours spent reading and movie watching on the iPad! Hate to admit, but : I'm loving my iPad <3 <3 <3

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